Sustainable West Linton and District is very grateful to many individuals and organisations for funding, donations, sponsoring of what3words squares. Thanks also go to the many volunteers who have gifted their time, skills and energy to help Roamers Wood develop.
Interested in Roamers Wood activities and Community events? Contact us to join the Friends of Roamers WhatsApp group.
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Looking for a unique gift that contributes to environmental sustainability by supporting Roamers Wood? Many people have sponsored a w3w square at Roamers, here is how you can do this too.
Through dedicating a what3words square at Roamers Wood you will be helping Sustainable West Linton and District (SWLD) to establish a community woodland, based on a diverse mixture of native trees, plants and wildlife. This opportunity has arisen through a generous local benefactor granting the community a long-term lease on the land, with SWLD custodianship. Your contribution is enabling SWLD to improve our environment for the benefit of generations to come.
Please do visit your square and contribute to its development, such as planting a tree in honour of a favourite relative or friend, or simply encouraging wild flowers to grow. Marking a spot with a memorial plaque is fine, if discreet and made of untreated wood. So please visit often but remember the old saying: Take only memories, Leave only footprints. That having been said, in years to come you will be able to collect wild fruit and berries, such as hazelnuts, blackberries, sweet chestnuts and hopefully even walnuts. We hope you will enjoy Roamers Wood and your part in its development.
Ready to sponsor a w3w square? The suggested donation is £20
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